USAging, Eldercare Locator, and Disability Information and Access Line (DIAL)

eldercare locator and dial logos

and Eldercare Locator and Disability Information and Access Line


Mission: USAging represents and supports the national network of Area Agencies on Aging and advocates for the Title VI Native American Aging Programs that help older adults and people with disabilities live with optimal health, well-being, independence and dignity in their homes and communities. Vision: USAging represents and supports the national network of Area Agencies on Aging and advocates for the Title VI Native American Aging Programs that help older adults and people with disabilities live with optimal health, well-being, independence and dignity in their homes and communities.

Our Work: USAging and our members work to improve the quality of life and health of older adults and people with disabilities, including supporting people with chronic illness, people living with dementia, family caregivers and others who want to age well at home and in the community. Together, we are ensuring that all people can age well. Our members are the local leaders that develop, coordinate and deliver a wide range of home and community-based services, including information and referral/assistance, case management, home-delivered and congregate meals, in-home services, caregiver supports, transportation, evidence-based health and wellness programs, long-term care ombudsman programs and more. USAging is dedicated to supporting the success of our members through advancing public policy, sparking innovation, strengthening the capacity of our members, raising their visibility and working to drive excellence in the fields of aging and home and community-based services.  

Eldercare Locator:

Launched in 1992, the Eldercare Locator is the only federally funded national information and referral resource to provide support to consumers across the spectrum of issues affecting older Americans. The Locator is funded by the U.S. Administration for Community Living and is administered by USAging.


The Disability Information and Access Line (DIAL) helps people with disabilities get connected to information about local community resources that support independent living. Launched in 2021 to help people with disabilities access COVID-19 vaccinations, DIAL also provides information about essential services such as transportation, housing support, disability rights, and more.


US Aging:

Eldercare Locator: (use to access online chat)



Eldercare Locator:



Eldercare Locator: 800-677-1116 (text or call via voice or videophone)

DIAL: 888-677-1199 (text or call via voice or videophone)

Representative: Sara Tribe Clark, Director, DIAL and Eldercare Locator

Representative Email:

Representative Phone: 202-872-0888


US Aging: 1100 New Jersey Ave SE, DC 20003

Eldercare Locator: 1100 New Jersey Ave SE, DC 20003

DIAL: 1100 New Jersey Ave SE, DC 20003

Service Area: National



  • Brochure (English): 

  • Brochure (Spanish): 

  • Factsheet (English): 

  • Factsheet (Spanish):