Thriving Blind Academy
The community that helps people impacted by blindness to move from surviving to thriving.
You may be feeling alone and fearful on this journey. Our members and mentors know exactly how you feel and will help you take the next right steps. TBA Membership includes weekly calls to connect and work through challenges. NEW TB Community Membership includes quarterly calls.
Our self paced, online courses will guide you through parenting blind children, education planning, early childhood topics, transitions to college and the workforce, getting a job, and more. Thriving Blind Academy Membership includes courses and all special event replays.
Live coaching programs with TBA Mentors give you opportunities to deep dive into parenting blind children, getting a job, transitioning out of high school to college or the workforce, exploring entrepreneurship and more.
Thriving Blind Academy Members receive discounts on coaching programs.
Phone: 2032066945
Representatives: Charlie Collins, Kristin Smedley
Service Area: Global