The Blind Kitchen
The mission of the Blind Kitchen is to provide cooking tools and strategies to people with vision loss who want to cook safely, confidently and independently in their own kitchens. We also serve as a resource for Agencies and Programs that teach people with Vision loss how to cook. Each cooking tool comes packaged with a label that is written both in large print and braille. Each tool also comes with an audio described video or a detailed written description of what the tool is, what it does, why it is blind friendly and how to use and care for it. The Blind Kitchen Library has 12 categories of information on such topics as: Shopping, Accessing and Reading Recipes, Cleaning, Organizing Your Kitchen and Pantry, Labelling, Cooking Strategies Specific to Cooking Methods, Tips for Dining Out and Ideas for Entertaining in Your Home. New information is constantly being added and new cooking tools and collections to the store shelves. Come visit us at the Blind Kitchen, where everyone has a place at the table!
Phone: 503-313-2345
Representative: Debra Erickson, Executive Chef and Founder of The Blind Kitchen
Address: Oregon, USA
Service Area:We provide services nationally (USA) and internationally.