My name is Beeshernah Ceus and I am a student intern working with Accessible Pharmacy. I was excited when I heard about this company because of its innovative way of supplying accessible medication for patients who experience vision and hearing loss. I am visually impaired and oftentimes find it difficult to read medication labels. I was born with an eye condition called congenital or infantile nystagmus. Congenital means a disease or physical abnormality present from birth. This condition usually develops within 2-3 months of age and must be under 6 months. Nystagmus is rapid, involuntary eye movement, and usually in horizontal or vertical directions. My condition makes it difficult to read small fonts and see from afar. With the help of corrective lenses, assistive devices, and accommodations, I have been able to live comfortably and successfully with my vision loss.
I am a junior studying nursing at Stony Brook University. I was originally a psychology major before getting accepted into their nursing program. From an early age I knew that I wanted to have a career in healthcare. I was not sure what it would be at the time until my older sister introduced me to nursing. I saw her experience and how she described her passion for the profession. My interaction with nurses and seeing how they interacted with patients also influenced my decision to pursue this profession. I want to become a Nurse Practitioner and work with children. Later in my career I would like to join organizations that provide healthcare to places around the world to volunteer as a nurse.
Lastly, I enjoy doing activities that promote health and wellness. I love to exercise, specifically weight lifting and running. Some of my hobbies included cooking, reading, listening to music, and playing the piano. One fun fact about me is that I speak 4 languages (Haitian Creole, French, English, and Spanish) with various levels of fluency.