Leader Dogs for the Blind

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Leader Dogs for the Blind

Leader Dogs for the Blind is a nonprofit organization providing people who are blind or visually impaired with lifelong skills for safe and independent daily travel using a guide dog or a white cane. All services are provided free of charge including room, board, and airfare from all over the US and Canada. Leader Dog provides orientation and mobility, teen O&M, guide dog and a teen summer camp. Additionally, they hold seminars for orientation and mobility professionals and virtual learning modules. Leader Dogs for the Blind partners with agencies and O&M professionals throughout the U.S. to provide their clients with supplemental O&M training. For more information, call (888) 777-5332 or visit LeaderDog.org. 

Website: www.leaderdog.org

Email: clientservices@leaderdog.org 

Phone: 888-777-5332

Representative: Leslie Hoskins

Representative Email: leslie.hoskins@leaderdog.org 

Representative Phone: 248-650-7104

Address: 1039 S. Rochester Rd. Rochester Hills, MI 48307

Service Area: United States and Canada


