Guide Dogs for the Blind

guide dogs for the blind logo

Guide Dogs for the Blind

At Guide Dogs for the Blind (GDB), we believe that everyone deserves to move through the world safely and confidently—to live the life they want to live. Our passionate community employs innovative practices to create life-changing partnerships. And, we advocate for the policy reforms that change how the world views blindness and disability. Because when everyone is empowered to participate, our communities are stronger.

With world-class client services and a robust network of instructors, puppy raisers, donors, and volunteers, we prepare highly qualified guide dogs and K9 Buddy dogs, provide guide dog readiness skills, and offer youth programs to empower individuals who are blind or visually impaired. GDB not only improves mobility for our clients, we further inclusion.



Phone: 800.295.4050

Representative: Dr. Jason Doorish

Representative Email:

Representative Phone: 415-492-4175

Service Area: United States and Canada.