Choroideremia Research Foundation

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Choroideremia Research Foundation

CRF has funded over $5 million in research on the causes and potential cures for choroideremia since being granted nonprofit status in 2000.

The organization hosts regular conferences for patients and families as well as scientific symposia for researchers and clinicians. It also offers one-day regional meetings several times a year around the world. Webinars and interactive online chats are offered (and recorded) several times monthly on topics such as emotional support, research, assistive technology, clinical trials and genetic testing.

In August 2021, the CRF spearheaded the launch of the International Choroideremia Research Network (ICRN), a global alliance of researchers from around the world who are working in concert to accelerate scientific knowledge about CHM. The network is composed of nearly 140 multi-disciplinary vision professionals with varied experiences, backgrounds, and interests from 25 countries.

CRF was conceived by a small group of patients in 1999. It formally established nonprofit status in 2000 and began funding research in 2002. A few of CRF’s first early research projects included establishment of a CHM mouse model, creating induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) models, formation of a human CHM cell biobank, and support of several pre-clinical gene therapy research studies which ultimately led to launch of three clinical trials.

CRF is now exploring collaborations and/or funding development of a CHM pig model, possible pharmaceutical therapies, gene therapy, optogenetics (light sensing), neuroprotection (to delay progression), RNA and DNA editing, stem cell therapy, sight replacement therapies, transplantation, assistive/bionic technologies, and understanding genetics and phenotypes (characteristics and variations) of CHM cells and how these differences may affect progression and outcomes.



Phone: 800-210-0233

Representative: H. Eric Hartman

Representative Email:

Representative Phone: 504-390-8902

Address: 23 E. Brundreth St., Springfield, MA 01109

Service Area: Internationally


What is CRF? Click Here for a PDF Brochure

What is CHM? Click Here for a PDF Brochure