AYES (OKO app)


AYES (OKO app)

AYES is a New York based company that develops the OKO app. Our mission is to democratize access to the physical world for the two billion people with a disability. OKO is a AI enhanced navigation app that helps people with a disability explore new places in the most safe and accessible way. We provide three main services:

1. AI enhanced navigation: leveraging cutting-edge AI, we transform visual information from your environment into precise feedback. Navigate streets, identify the correct bus, or locate bars effortlessly – all with our intuitive, AI-powered OKO app.

2. Accessibility information: exploring accessible venues has never been easier with OKO. Instantly access menus, layouts, and more with just one click.

3. Accessible routing: OKO always recommends the most accessible route, and with its easy reporting feature, you can alert others to hazards en route.

Website: www.ayes.ai

Email: michael@ayes.ai

Phone: 929-561-4769

Representative: Michael Janssen

Representative Email: michael@ayes.ai

Representative Phone: 929-561-4769

Address: 2915 OGLETOWN ROAD, Newark, Delaware

Service Area: We provide our OKO app internationally

Schedule an Appointment: https://calendly.com/oko-by-ayes